Wizzair Assessment Preparation
The content and information used on this website should only be used for preparation purposes. We are an independent web site and is not affiliated and have no commercial connection with any airlines or flight schools and their pilot assessments.
Last update: 12/8/2022
Assessment process consist of
1. Group Exercise
2. Technical Questions
- ATPL Knowledge Tests - (Non Rated Pilot)
- A320 Technical Questions - (A320 Type Rated Pilot)
3. Math Test
​4. Interview - Human Resource
5. Simulator Assessment​​​
1 - Group exercice
A group exercise is an assessed discussion exercise that involves a small group of candidates (usually 8-10 people), following a question posed by a member of a firm’s recruitment team
2 - ATPL Knowledge Tests
The questions are spread across all ATPL subjects. Also, expect questions about the current plane you fly.
(For Non Rated Pilot)
2 - A320 Technical Questions
3 - Math Test
The test presents multiple-choice questions that require you to use reasoning skills to solve practical problems in mathematics.
4 - Human Resource Questions
See what are the questions you might be asked during the interview and make sure you prepare how to answer them.
The questions are not very hard but if you know what to expect you will be able to give a great answer.
5 - Simulator Assessment
Our simulator assessment pack includes:
- Briefings example.
- The procedures to use.
- The SIDs used during the assessment.
- The charts.